Monday, October 24, 2011

One Week Post 13.1 Miles

One week ago today I was almost in tears due to the amount of pain I was in due to the run/walk I did the day before. If some one would have said you're going to be so sore you will not sleep the night you finished your race and the next day hardly be able to walk chances are I would have said thanks but I guess this isn't for me.  Sunday night my feet hurt so bad it felt like some one was stabbing me with a knife in the bottom of my feet.  I would drift off to sleep only to feel the jab in the bottom of my feet.  I was in so much pain there was no amount of Advil to take the pain away and I had to move from my bed to the couch so I wouldn't deprive Andy, my husband, of the sleep he needed to get the week off and going.

Monday I get up to get ready for work and it's all I can do to move.  The pain is so bad in my butt, legs, hamstrings, and feet that I'm in tears.  Not crying but just tears due to pain.  It literally takes me 15 minutes to walk from my car in the parking lot at work to my desk (usually it's about a 3 minute walk from the car to my desk).  I see my buddy at work and she tells me congrats, asks me how it went, and I start crying just like I did the day before.  The flood of emotions just came over me again.

Monday morning as the day goes on I think, never again will I endure a half marathon let alone a full marathon who am I kidding thinking I'm cut out for this. So Monday comes and goes.  Tuesday still in a lot of pain and I find out from a co-work who is also a track coach that the soles of my feet are probably having an allergic reaction due to being in the shoes for 4 hours, pounding pavement, sweating, etc.  She gave me a helpful hint that if you're going on a really long run to spray your feet with deodorant, spray the inside of your shoes too.  This will help your feet not to sweat hence no itchy, stabbing feelings on the bottom of your soles.  Wednesday I'm still sore but moving around a lot better.  I take my little foam roller into work and use that as my foot rest and while working just roll my feet up and down the roller, stretching out my legs.  Thursday I'm about 95% back to normal and I think I so can do this again.  I can't wait to do another half marathon and I'm back to thinking I can maybe, just maybe do a full marathon when I'm 40 (2 years from now).  Thursday I go for a brisk walk and do about 2 miles in 30 minutes.  Friday feeling 100%, the day was PERFECT and I was kicking myself for not bringing my running clothes to work so I could go for a run during lunch.  I planned on walking but then work got crazy busy and no walking for me.

Over the weekend I thought what is my next goal?  Because I'm the person that if I don't have something I'm working towards it can quickly fizzle out.  So my new goal is to increase my speed and run at a faster speed for longer periods of time.  Keep in mind I'm short and my dad likes to say "Us Syferd's are built low to the ground and for endurance" (LOL).  I'm 5' 3" and in the past the fastest I could run was about 4mph.  Starting today I re-started the couch to 5K program and rather than just trying to run I'm going to run from 5.5mph to 5mph and walk at 3.5mph when the man on the iPod says in his monotone voice "WALK".  So today was my first day of this program and it felt so good.  I got nasty pig sweaty gross.  I think I left a pound of sweat on the treadmill.  I love it!!! There is really nothing better than just getting sick sweaty!!  Most read this and think ewww gross but there are a few that I know will say awww *beep* ya...I love it too!!!

On the days I'm not running I'm going to be focusing on strength.  Strength training and core training is something I neglected in preparing for the race so I'm going to be doing that.

So here's to one goal down and many more to go!!!

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