Monday, October 3, 2011

A Dream Almost Gone

Today I thought my dreams were done.  I decided to run to lose weight and prove to myself that I can do this.  Sure I'll never be the skinniest or the fastest but I do deserve to be healthy and fit.

October 2010 my friend and I volunteered at the Annual Des Moines Marathon sponsored by the IMT insurance group.  I made a commitment to do the half marathon this October.

In April I registered for the half.  Today an email comes out saying friends, family, etc can get text messages of how you are doing in your race.  So I go to search for myself and I'm not there.  I freak out.  I call and he tells that yes I did register but it wasn't for the race it was for the pasta dinner the night before.  He then tells me to call the person who organizes this race.  So I get a hold of him and he said he will honor the $50 price (I would swear on my life I paid for this but every financial record from April to now shows that I did not).  Right now is not a good time for me/us to shell out $$ for this race.  I was sooo upset.  I thought everything I've been working for is gone.  Yes I know anyone can go out and run 13.1 miles and that there are many other half's I can do but this one is special to me.  This one is like my baby.  I don't think I can fully describe it but I'm sure you've all had that kind of feeling.  

I posted on facebook what happened and how I was crushed and how right now I just can't put out the money to register.  One of my dear friends who I've known since we were in 6th grade who, came in and out of my life from middle school to high school, re-connected in college to lose touch again and through facebook have become very close and will never lose the connection, bought and paid for my registration fee into this race.  I've always been on the giving end of doing a good thing and paying it forward never on the receiving end.  I am so humbled and I have no words to express my gratefulness.  I'm just touched by how kind people can be.  People truly are a gift.   I'm so blessed and so touched and so moved.

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