Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fake it until you make it....

This has been a tough week for me.  As I've shared we found out recently that Andy has a cancerous tumor on his left leg.  It is cancer but it is not in danger of taking his life.  He has surgery on Friday in Iowa City and once the tumor is gone he should be cancer free.  This is good news....  Why then am I kind of sad?  I guess it's because I don't want to think about the "C" word and my husband in the same light.  Something happening to him would rock my world and not in a good way.  I love him so much that I can not imagine what life would be with out him.  He is so young (42) he shouldn't have cancer of any kind. 

So this week food wise...I admit...I've emotionally ate.  The good news I have not gone off the deep end.  So I'm learning and this is a process not something that will be fixed over night. 

I have not missed a gym day and I don't plan on it either.  If it were not for the gym I think I'd be really low right now.  Monday I did the C25K (Couch to 5K) work out for week 2 day 1.  Tuesday I decided to add the SparkPeople 28 day challenge again and I did day 1 of that work out and 25 minutes on the elliptical.  Today I did Day 2 of the 28 day challenge and I did the C25K week 2 day 2 today.  The sweat has been my therapy.

PS.....I am so thankful it's going to be nice out this weekend.  I can't wait to get outside and RUN! 

PSS...I was irritated today that my lunch room did not have cottage cheese...damn it don't they know I'm obsessed with it and they need to keep it stocked at all times just for me!

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